Enrollment Procedure All families wishing to enroll at UCA should submit the following prior to the child’s start date:
- Registration Form
- Children’s Medical Report
- Immunization Record
- Documentation of Receipt of:
- Safe Sleep Policy (for infants 12 months and younger)
- Discipline Policy o Summary of NC Laws o Parent Handbook
- Media Permission Forms
- Infant Feeding Schedule (15 months and younger)
- If applicable, any custody agreement/protective order granted by the courts or arranged by the parents. This includes an agreed-upon list of those allowed to pick up the child.
Notes for enrollment procedure:
A. Parents are required to submit the Children’s Medical Report and current Immunization Record for their child within 30 days of enrollment.
B. Parents are encouraged to visit the Preschool before their child is enrolled and should bring their child with them. This will give the parents and child an opportunity to meet the teachers and other children before the first full day of attendance.
C. Parents must agree to comply with the policies as described within this handbook before the first day of enrollment.
D. If there is not a space available when you wish to enroll your child, your contact information will be gathered, and you will be put on the waiting list. There is no charge for this. You will be called when a position becomes available. Your name will be removed from the waiting list upon your request or if we contact you and you do not respond within 10 business days.
Upon enrollment: When a child becomes enrolled, families should become familiar with the class’s daily schedule. This is posted in each classroom. Other information will be placed in the child’s folder and/or email. In addition, teachers sometimes post in the classroom a list of special items needed for the class or items needed that week for “Show and Tell”. Please stay informed of daily activities and read any notices posted so your child can fully participate in and benefit from the services offered. Also, please talk with your child about what happens at school and what he/she is learning.
Please speak with your child about listening to, obeying, and respecting their teachers and getting along with their fellow students.
All children three years old by August 31st of the current year MUST be completely potty-trained (no longer use disposable training pants) BEFORE they may graduate to the next age group. Accidents happen occasionally, but not frequently enough to be considered fully trained. As a team, the parents and teachers need to take into consideration the child’s readiness before beginning the process of potty training.
Enrollment may be terminated at any time and for any reason by either the parents or the Administration with a two-week written notice. The Administration reserves the right to terminate enrollment immediately if necessary for the protection of the staff or other children at the Preschool. Tuition is expected to be paid in full whether the child attends during the last two weeks, and regardless of which party initiates the termination